Kadri’s Story

A little goes a long way

Kadri wasn’t afraid of the breakup; she was just curious to see what the future held. Fortunately, the whole process was so intuitive that she found comfort in her new life straight away. There were more perks of ditching her car than she’d predicted.

“I found that when riding an electric scooter, I notice more nature, even in the city,” said Kadri. “I’m also fortunate to live in a country with four seasons,” she added. Back when she used to drive a car to work, she would go on autopilot, barely taking notice when the leaves started changing colour. “When you use a scooter, it’s different,” said Kadri. “You’re more present, in the moment.”

Change is the only constant in life

For years, Kadri had lived a car-centred life, commuting to her office through the busy capital city where she leads a technology company focused on learning and wellbeing. Each morning, she or her husband would drive their daughter to school about 4 kilometres away. They worked in different places, and their commutes went in different directions. As a result, they maintained two cars. Kadri felt at the time that being a car owner was the price she had to pay for living outside the city centre. She also wasn’t entirely dissatisfied with her suburban life — fresh air and forests were part of the package.

Things changed, though, in multiple ways. The marriage ended, and Kadri moved to the city centre, into an apartment near a picturesque park built in the 18th century. It was around this time that some self-analysis led her to decide to part ways with her car.

Kadri was never emotionally attached to her car, a Fiat 500, even though she did admit that it looked cute. But she knew that it was time to break free. “I’m always analysing my life, looking at what’s working and what isn’t. Getting rid of my car was one outcome of that. It all made sense.”

Living with less

Ditching the car was also part of her minimalist streak. “The fewer things one has in life, the less brain capacity they consume,” said Kadri. Just as she doesn’t like having too many clothes, prefers minimalist, simple outfits, and pares her belongings down to the bare minimum, Kadri also manages her transport needs in the same way.

“This allows me not to stress about them in everyday situations,” she said, “and leaves more room to deal with things that really matter.” Many are familiar with this mindset thanks to tech entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs, who wore the same outfit every day to save mental energy.

Indeed, Kadri’s new travel partner looks more minimal, too. Her new go-to vehicle is an electric scooter — either the one she shares with her boyfriend or a Bolt scooter that’s never far away.

She’s really warmed to travelling by scooter, particularly enjoying the change of the seasons and their associated smells. Kadri loves the smells of spring and summer, of autumn, and the approaching winter, and just filling her lungs with fresh air. “Being outside can boost your mood for the whole day,” she added.

It’s good for you

The couple does share an electric car they use when they need to travel long distances. And when it rains or snows, Kadri relies on Bolt rides to get around. Recently, she looked at how much she and her daughter spent on Bolt scooters in the summer months, and it worked out to about €40 — definitely cheaper than what she would have spent on maintaining a car, Kadri acknowledged. She’s also a voracious walker and has the numbers to prove it. In 2016, when she was a car owner, her daily steps were 3,795 on average. In 2022, her scooter era, the steps doubled.

Kadri’s not alone in her decision. It’s become more popular among environmentally-conscious entrepreneurs to go carless and rely on other means of transport, like scooters, ride-hailing, and rental cars, as well as good old bicycles. Kadri has colleagues who have returned to the city and given up their cars, just like she did.

“It’s good for you,” Kadri said. “It gives you the opportunity to simplify your life and enjoy the world.”

The end

Need help breaking up?

Bolt is a mobility app that helps you break up with your car and live a better, healthier and more sustainable life. Download the app and enjoy our ride-hailing, scooter, e-bike, and car-rental services.